Take your pick: Out-of-class, blended language and Web 2.0 projects, and online




Section: Forums


  • Neil Cowie Email Okayama University, Japan
  • Keiko Sakui Email Kobe Shoin Women’s University , Japan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29140/jaltcall.v10n3.j180


This paper provides a synthesis of the pedagogical practices of e-learning teacher experts into a four-part framework of approaches: out-of-class, blended language practice, blended Web 2.0 projects, and online. Examples of each approach are illustrated with short extracts from case studies of the participant teachers. It is hoped that these four approaches will be useful as a means for an individual teacher or institution to objectively assess the level of integration of technology within their teaching context and might also serve as a framework for technology-minded language teachers to communicate with other teachers or administrators who might not share a similar mindset.

Keywords: E-learning, Universities, Language Learning, Framework, Case Studies

Suggested Citation:

Cowie, N., & Sakui, K. (2014). Take your pick: Out-of-class, blended language and Web 2.0 projects, and online. The JALT CALL Journal, 10(3), 273–286. https://doi.org/10.29140/jaltcall.v10n3.j180


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