Learning to use technological support for self-organised EFL learning: Web-based tasks and YouTube relayed instructional videos




Section: Forums


  • Jason R. Byrne Seigakuin University, Japan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29140/jaltcall.v6n1.90


This article examines an action research project concerned with the need for Japanese university students to learn how to use technological support for self-organised EFL learning. In particular, the research focused on the potential of the Internet for English self-study. In outlining a solution for teaching awareness of existing Internet-based support for English language learning, the paper explores the novel usage of YouTube relayed instructional videos with English subtitles and the need for simple and clean website design to enhance intuitive task communication. Furthermore, the paper discusses the concept of the teacher operating in three spatial domains, the notion that the course solution provides a bridge between conventional classroom study and self-study, and finally the possibility that the course solution is enabling the students to take on a higher degree of challenge than may have otherwise been expected.

Suggested Citation:

Byrne, J. R. (2010). Learning to use technological support for self-organised EFL learning: Web-based tasks and YouTube relayed instructional videos. The JALT CALL Journal, 6(1), 35–43. https://doi.org/10.29140/jaltcall.v6n1.90


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