The effectiveness of project-based learning utilizing Web 2.0 tools in EFL
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Researchers in the past, such as Jeon-Ellis, Debski, and Wigglesworth (2005), have successfully utilized CALL and Project-Based Learning in language education to motivate students through collaboration and sociocultural methodologies, yet little EFL research has been written about the incorporation of Project-Based Learning and Web 2.0 tools. This action research was conducted over an 8-week period to addresses whether or not the combination of Project-Based Learning and Web 2.0 technologies is an effective methodology for promoting collaboration and motivation in a Pai Chai University EFL Tourism course in South Korea. The results were inconclusive, as the sampling, data collection tools and participants were inadequate, but the students’ feelings towards the methodology, Web 2.0 tools and the Social Network System Ning showed promise for future application.