Culture, confidence and connections: Telecollaboration as a springboard for successful JFL learning




Issue: 2022
Section: Proceedings Papers


  • Mark R. Freiermuth Gunma Prefectural Women’s University, Japan
  • Ikuko Tomida Khon Kaen University, Thailand


This study employed Zoom as a telecollaborative tool to connect 53 (28 on one day and 25 the next) Thai university students learning Japanese as a foreign language (JFL) with four Japanese university students. The study was an outgrowth of a concern about Thai students’ waning confidence when using Japanese, and as such, we considered the activity employed in this study as an opportunity for them to develop more self-confidence. In addition, by sharing personalized cultural values with one another, it was hoped that their cultural acuity would be sharpened and enhanced via the interaction that took place. We also wanted to assess the value of using Zoom as a platform—especially regarding Breakout Rooms—a feature which allowed us to address the imbalance in student numbers from each side. The activity was a success regarding all three aims. In a posttest questionnaire Thai students indicated a boost in their L2 confidence, while both groups of students claimed they benefited from the mutual exchange of cultural ideas. In addition, Zoom worked quite well as a tool to facilitate the interaction. This is good news for L2 teachers, especially those in foreign language settings, who can use telecollaborative activities to increase their students’ motivation and cultural learning.

Suggested Citation:

Freiermuth, M. R., & Tomida, I. (2022). Culture, confidence and connections: Telecollaboration as a springboard for successful JFL learning. Proceedings of the International CALL Research Conference, 2022, 99–106.