You only need to change your direction: A look at the potential impact of ChatGPT on education







ChatGPT, a generative AI program developed by OpenAI, has raised serious questions about the future of education since its launch in November 2022. This paper argues that ChatGPT has the potential to redefine existing educational theories and the role of teachers in language education. Specifically, the paper examines ChatGPT’s impact on language education and suggests ways to incorporate it into teaching practice. Since people have been proclaiming that AI would replace teachers since the 1970s, the history of AI in education is relevant to this paper. Therefore, the paper first discusses the history of AI in education to provide context and highlight how ChatGPT fits into this larger conversation. Afterwards, the paper then explores how ChatGPT might redefine existing learning theories such as Constructivism and Self-Determination Theory using the AIED framework. ChatGPT has the potential to provide learners with personalized and adaptive learning experiences that align with these learning theories. For this reason, the paper will investigate how ChatGPT may impact the role of learners through the lens of Learner Autonomy before looking at how it might also redefine the role of the teacher in the classrooms of the near future. While ChatGPT has the potential to automate certain aspects of language education, the role of the teacher as a mentor and guide in the learning process is still essential. Finally, the paper offers suggestions for how educators can effectively incorporate generative AI programs like ChatGPT into their teaching practice and curriculum. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of approaching the integration of AI in education with caution and a critical perspective.

Keywords: ChatGPT, learning theories, artificial intelligence, AIED

Suggested Citation:

Kohler, K. (2024). You only need to change your direction: A look at the potential impact of ChatGPT on education. Technology in Language Teaching & Learning, 6(1), 1–18.


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