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Submission Guidelines

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts submitted for publication will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process to evaluate their presentation and analysis of new empirical data, ensuring that appropriate research methods are employed or that relevant theories are effectively developed. The journal places a strong emphasis on advancing the understanding of applied linguistics within digital environments, recognizing the importance of this field in today’s rapidly evolving landscape. By focusing on contemporary issues and challenges, DAL aims to serve as a valuable resource for researchers, educators, and practitioners in the digital realm, facilitating meaningful discussions and fostering innovative approaches in applied linguistics.

Consider titles that are not too informal or that narrow the focus too much (only include a specific country in the title if you feel that is has a crucial impact on the study), and ensure the writing is clear throughout. Proofread manuscripts thoroughly before submission, as large amounts of grammatical errors can make it difficult for reviewers to read the manuscript which may have a detrimental effect on their evaluation of your research.

Publication Frequency

Digital Applied Linguistics (DAL) is published one volume each year, with articles released on a rolling basis.

Formatting & Layout

Manuscripts must be submitted as a .docx document file. Any information identifying the authors should be removed from the primary manuscript document. Reference to work from the authors should be marked as "Author1, 20xx" or "Author2, 20xx" in the citations, and references should be included as "Author1. (20xx)." or "Author2. (20xx)." Please do not number subsections. Heading levels should be obvious by using the heading functions in MS Word or equivalent. Please do not try to emulate the formatting of the published articles. All references and citations must be in accordance with the APA 7th edition. Where possible, DOIs should be included as "" for all references.

Declaration of Use of Generative AI

Please refer to the following guidelines regarding the use of Generative AI in preparing and writing the manuscript:

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. There are no article processing charges (APCs) for this journal. The open access statement is available from here.

Publication Ethics

Note that all submissions to this journal must be original work that has not been published or currently under review elsewhere. Manuscripts that have been published as pre-prints may be considered as being already published. All submissions are checked for plagiarism on submission by iThenticate. For information about the peer review process and publication ethics is available from here.

Regular Articles

Regular articles are expected to be 6000-8000 words in length (excluding abstract, references and appendices), and are expected to include original research based on solid methodology and sufficient background research. Regular articles will typically present an in-depth analysis of original empirical data which contributes to understanding of DAL. Systematic review and meta-analysis articles are also welcome provided that they demonstrate sophisticated argumentation and summary of key perspectives related to DAL. Work which takes an interdisciplinary approach is encouraged.


Forum section include short articles that are expected to be 3000-5000 words in length (excluding references and appendices). Forum section is intended to stimulate debate between authors and the wider community of DAL and to afford a quicker turnaround time for short pieces. Forum pieces are typically a commentary on research issues or professional practices or responses to a published article. Forum pieces are required to exhibit originality, timeliness and a contribution to, or stimulation of, a current debate.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.