Regular Articles
Regular articles are expected to be 6000-8000 words in length (excluding abstract, references and appendices), and are expected to include original research based on solid methodology and sufficient background research. Regular articles will typically present an in-depth analysis of original empirical data which contributes to understanding of DAL. Systematic review and meta-analysis articles are also welcome provided that they demonstrate sophisticated argumentation and summary of key perspectives related to DAL. Work which takes an interdisciplinary approach is encouraged.
Forum section include short articles that are expected to be 3000-5000 words in length (excluding references and appendices). Forum section is intended to stimulate debate between authors and the wider community of DAL and to afford a quicker turnaround time for short pieces. Forum pieces are typically a commentary on research issues or professional practices or responses to a published article. Forum pieces are required to exhibit originality, timeliness and a contribution to, or stimulation of, a current debate.
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